DOT NET Search Result


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Payment Gateway in DOT NET


The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from the 2Checkout merchant gateway.The complete set of variables specific to 2Checkout's merchant gateway are available directly from 2Checkout in their documentation when you have set up a 2Checkout account. This information is available when you login to their website in the following location: Important: Be sure to configure your 2Checkout account to Test Mode to allow you to test your checkout implementations without processing any real transactions.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using 2Checkout, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.2Checkout is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use 2Checkout's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides two pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that be inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

· 2Checkout Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using 2Checkout's hosted checkout form.

· 2Checkout Complete: configures all possible variables that can be passed to 2Checkout for payment processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://).

This pre-populates the checkout form hosted on 2Checkout's website to complete the transaction.

The following is the minimum information necessary to pass to 2Checkout, as defined in the 2Checout
Basic configuration:

· 2Checkout hosted form URL:

· sid: your account number

· cart_order_id: unique order id from your cart or other program. The configurations provided in WA eCart use the SessionID as this unique identifier, but can be changed specific to your architecture.

· total: total amount to be billed. The provided checkout configurations retrieve this value from the GrandTotal value in your eCart implementation.

Please refer to 2Checkout's documentation for the complete set of variables available for 2Checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

2Checkout performs a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http: location. You must enable the POST of this information and configure the passback location in your 2Checkout account in the following location for this information to be returned to your site: WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially. Please refer to the help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available.

Express Checkout

The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from WebAssist's Express Checkout Express Checkout merchant gateway.The complete set of variables specific to Express Checkout is available directly from WebAssist in their documentation when you have set up an Express Checkout account. This information is available upon logging in to your merchant interface by clicking the Documentation link under Integration and Testing. The file specific to configuring local checkout is called Integration Specifications. The pertinent portion of the document is Section 2. Direct Method.The merchant gateway support provided within WA eCart is designed to facilitate the configuration of your checkout form using Express Checkout, but you are responsible for the proper configuration of your merchant account to take advantage of these features.Be sure to read Express Checkout's documentation to ensure that your implementation works within their acceptable parameters and requirements.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using Express Checkout, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.Express Checkout is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use Express Checkout's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides two pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that be inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

· Express Checkout Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using Express Checkout's hosted checkout form.

· Express Checkout Complete: configures all necessary variables that can be passed to Express Checkout for credit card payment processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). This pre-populates the checkout form hosted on Express Checkout's website to complete the transaction.

Each of these configurations come pre-configured to pass a standard eCart implementations data to Express Checkout for processing. The only data required to be entered is your Merchant ID, which should be configured in the publisher_name variable. This is necessary to identify your merchant account to the gateway.Please refer to the Express Checkout documentation for the complete set of variables available for checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

Express Checkout performs a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http:// location. To pass this information back to your site, you must pass the POST URL to the gateway at the time the transaction is submitted.

· For successful transactions, the POST URL is set in the variable success-link
· For failed transactions, the POST URL is set in the variable badcard-link

The WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially, as well as information specific to the processing of the transaction that are generated during processing.Please refer to the help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available for retrieval from the Express Checkout gateway.


The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from the PayPal merchant gateway.The complete set of variables specific to PayPal is available in their Integration documentation on their website in the following location: merchant gateway support provided within WA eCart is designed to facilitate the configuration of your checkout form to work with PayPal, but you are responsible for the proper configuration of your merchant account to take advantage of these features.Be sure to read PayPal's documentation to ensure that your implementation works within their acceptable parameters and requirements.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using PayPal, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.PayPal is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use PayPal's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides two pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that can be inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

· PayPal Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using PayPal's hosted checkout form.

· PayPal Complete: configures all possible variables that can be passed to PayPal processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). This form pre-populates the checkout form hosted on PayPal's website to complete the transaction.

· PayPal With Line Items: passes individual line items to PayPal's form, where the total is calculated based on the information submitted. Currently, charge rules can be passed as line items, but discounts cannot.
The following is the minimum information necessary to pass to PayPal, as defined in the PayPal Basic configuration:

· PayPal hosted form URL:

· cmd: configures the transaction configuration necessary for the type of form. The Basic configuration has a default of x_click, but this changes depending on what information is being passed from your form, as well as if you are passing line-item details. See PayPal's documentation referenced above for more information.

· business: the email address unique to your Paypal account that identifies it to the gateway.

· item_name: this is the descriptive text associated to the transaction. The default for the Basic configuration is the static descriptive text "online order".

· currency_code: tells the gateway what currency the transaction should be processed in. The default value is USD.

· amount: total amount to be billed. The provided checkout configurations retrieve this value from the GrandTotal value in your eCart implementation.

Please refer to PayPal's documentation referenced above for the complete set of variables available for checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service performs a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http:// location. You must enable IPN and configure the passback location in your PayPal account in the following location for this information to be returned to your site:

1. Go to and login with your merchant account information.
2. Click the Edit button to update your IPN configuration.
3. Check the box to enable IPN for your account.
4. Specify the http:// location that the transaction details should be posted to upon completion of the transaction.
5. Click Save to update your profile

The WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially, as well as information specific to the processing of the transaction that are generated during processing.Please refer to the help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available for retrieval from the PayPal gateway.In addition, PayPal can be configured to accept line item detail information and pass it back to the specified IPN page. This makes it possible to re-populate the shopping cart directly on your website using this information. See Re-populating the shopping cart based on a form POST for more information on support for this configuration.

LinkPoint Connect

The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from the LinkPoint merchant gateway.WA eCart directly supports LinkPoint's Connect gateway for processing transactions.The complete set of variables specific to LinkPoint Connect is available directly from LinkPoint in their documentation when you have set up a LinkPoint Connect account. This information is available when you logon to LinkPoint Central.From the top navigation, access the Support section. On the redirected page, look under Manuals > LinkPoint Connect. You'll have the option of getting the help in HTML or PDF format.The merchant gateway support provided within WA eCart is designed to facilitate the configuration of your checkout form using LinkPoint, but you are responsible for the proper configuration of your merchant account to take advantage of these features.Be sure to read LinkPoint's documentation to ensure that your implementation works within their acceptable parameters and requirements.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using LinkPoint Connect, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.LinkPoint is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use LinkPoint's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides three pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that are inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

· LinkPoint Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using LinkPoint's hosted checkout form.
· LinkPoint Complete: configures all possible variables that can be passed to LinkPoint for credit card payment processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). This pre-populates the checkout form hosted on LinkPoint's website to complete the transaction.
· LinkPoint Recurring: configures all possible variables that can be passed to LinkPoint for recurring payment processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). The additional variables necessary set the time frame for scheduled billing to occur. Specific information is available in the LinkPoint documentation. As well, this pre-populates the checkout form hosted on LinkPoint's website to complete the transaction.

The following is the minimum information necessary to pass to LinkPoint, as defined in the LinkPoint Basic configuration:

· LinkPoint hosted form URL:
· storename: your LinkPoint account number
· chargetotal: total amount to be billed. The provided checkout configurations retrieve this value from the GrandTotal value in your eCart implementation.
· mode: identifies the processing mode for the configuration. The Basic configuration specifies fullpay, which has the LinkPoint form collect all transaction information other that the basic info passed from the checkout form. The Complete and Recurring configurations use payplus, which allows you to pass all transaction information accepted by the gateway. Please read the documentation of all available mode types and their corresponding variables to determine what information you want to pass to LinkPoint specific to your transaction.

· txntype: sets the type of transaction being passed to the merchant gateway. All configurations have a default of sale, the type necessary to complete a payment transaction.
· description: passes descriptive text for the transaction. Pre-configured to send the FullDetails string available from the eCart object which provides the name, price and quantity of the items passed from the shopping cart.
Notes: You will need to reference the http:// location of your checkout form within LinkPoint Central to verify that the submission is coming from an authorized server. Login to LinkPoint Central, click the Customization link, and click Settings in the left hand navigation pane. In the top section, specify the http:// location of the Order Submission Form.As well, you should set up your account to test mode to test processing transactions. This is configured in LinkPoint Central in the Admin section under Live/Test Mode.Please refer to LinkPoint's Connect documentation for the complete set of variables available for checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

LinkPoint performs a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http:// location. You must enable the POST of this information and configure the passback location in your LinkPoint account in the following location for this information to be returned to your site:
1. Go to LinkPoint Central and login with your merchant account information.
2. In the top navigation, click the Customization link.
3. In the left navigation, click Settings.
4. Specify the http:// location that the transaction details should be posted to upon completion of the transaction for both the Confirmation and the Failure pages.
5. Select URL is a CGI script to enable the appropriate POST to get the information sent to the specified pages.
6. In addition, if AutoForwarding is selected, the destination pages for the POST are redirected to, and can display the outcome of the transaction on the return to your website.

The WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially, as well as information specific to the processing of the transaction that are generated during processing.Please refer to the LinkPoint Connect help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available for retrieval from the LinkPoint gateway.

PayFlow Link

The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from Verisign's PayFlow merchant gateway.WA eCart directly supports the PayFlow Link gateway for processing transactions.The complete set of variables specific to PayFlow Link is available directly from Verisign in their documentation when you have set up an PayFlow account. This information is available in the following location: merchant gateway support provided within WA eCart is designed to facilitate the configuration of your checkout form using PayFlow, but you are responsible for the proper configuration of your merchant account to take advantage of these features.Be sure to read PayFlow's documentation to ensure that your implementation works within their acceptable parameters and requirements.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using PayFlow, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.PayFlow is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use PayFlow's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides two pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that be inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

. PayFlow Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using PayFlow's hosted checkout form.
· PayFlow Complete: configures all possible variables that can be passed to PayFlow for credit card payment processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). This pre-populates the checkout form hosted on Verisign's website to complete the transaction. This configuration is defaulted to only processing credit cards, but can be configured to enable the option between CC and ECheck.
· PayFlow Credit Card : configures a basic checkout form specific to a credit card payment. Users will only have the option on Verisign's website of paying by credit card.
The following is the minimum information necessary to pass to PayFlow, as defined in the PayFlow Basic configuration:
· PayFlow hosted form URL:
· LOGIN: your PayFlow account login name that identifies you to the gateway
· PARTNER: tells the gateway the name of the reseller from which you purchased your account. This information should have been provided with your login information for your account. The default value is VeriSign.
· AMOUNT: total amount to be billed. The provided checkout configurations retrieve this value from the GrandTotal value in your eCart implementation.
· TYPE: A single letter that identifies the type of transaction. The default value for all configurations provided is S for Sale.
· DESCRIPTION: passes descriptive text for the transaction. By default, its configured to use the FullDetails calculation avail abel in the eCart object to pass the ID, price and quantity of all items in the cart as a string.
Please refer to the PayFlow Link documentation for the complete set of variables available for checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

PayFlow performs a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http:// location. You must enable the POST of this information and configure the passback location in your PayFlow account in the following location for this information to be returned to your site:
1. Go to and login with your merchant account information.
2. In the left navigation, click the PayFlow Link Info link.
3. Configure the Response configuration specific to your needs based on the configuration guidelines available in the PayFlow Link documentation referenced above. Section 2. Configuring PayFlow Link Settings discusses the possible configuration options in detail for specifying the page redirected to upon completion of the transaction, as well as the page information is sent to through a form POST.
4. Click Save changes upon completing configuration to update your profile.
WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially, as well as information specific to the processing of the transaction that are generated during processing.Please refer to the help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available for retrieval from the PayFlow Link gateway.


The following is a breakdown of the information necessary to configure WA eCart to work with information architecture specific to submitting and retrieving information from the WorldPay merchant gateway.The complete set of variables specific to WorldPay is available in their integration documentation on their website in the following location: merchant gateway support provided within WA eCart is designed to facilitate the configuration of your checkout form to work with WorldPay, but you are responsible for the proper configuration of your merchant account to take advantage of these features.Be sure to read WorldPay's documentation to ensure that your implementation works within their acceptable parameters and requirements.

Submitting checkout information

To initiate payment processing using WorldPay, you must submit a form to their website containing the information specific to your transaction.The Insert Checkout Form feature of WA eCart directly configures and inserts a checkout form on your page for this purpose, which can then be customized to meet your needs.The Basic, Complete, and Shipping configurations directly support the WorldPay Junior checkout implementation, which is specific to completing the transaction using a form POST.In addition, the Line items configuration supports WorldPay Select Checkout and passes line item information to the shopping cart, including charges applied through rules, but cannot pass discounts (See Release Notes for more information).WorldPay is flexible in the configuration of your checkout form, in that you can gather all the information on your website using a created form and pass it to their gateway for processing, or you can submit only the minimum information required to initiate the transaction and use WorldPay's hosted checkout form to gather any additional information on their website.Insert Checkout Form provides two pre-configured checkout forms for your convenience that can be inserted on the page and configured to your needs. These are:

· WorldPay Basic: provides the minimum information necessary to initiate checkout. All necessary transaction information is gathered using WorldPay's hosted checkout form.
· WorldPay Complete: configures all possible variables that can be passed to WorldPay processing, except form fields for credit card numbers and CV2 (these can be added if necessary, but should only be used if your checkout form is located in a secure website location, e.g. https://). This form pre-populates the checkout form hosted on WorldPay's website to complete the transaction.
· WorldPay Shipping: WorldPay does not provide parameters specific to additional shipping information that may be associated with your transaction. However, they do provide fields for custom configurations. This configuration sets these customizable parameters to accept shipping specific information so that information can be submitted and returned through the gateway.
· WorldPay with Line Items: passes individual line items to WorldPay's form, where the total is calculated based on the information submitted. Currently, charge rules can be passed as line items, but discounts cannot.

The following is the minimum information necessary to pass to WorldPay, as defined in the WorldPay Basic configuration:

· WorldPay hosted form URL:
· instId: the WorldPay ID specific to your account
· cartId: a unique ID passed through the form to identify this purchase. The default configuration passes the SessionID of the current browser session.
· amount: total amount to be billed. The provided checkout configurations retrieve this value from the GrandTotal value in your eCart implementation.
· currency: tells the gateway what currency the transaction should be processed in. The default value is USD.
· desc: Passes descriptive text for the transaction. By default, its configured to use the FullDetails calculation avail abel in the eCart object to pass the ID, price and quantity of all items in the cart as a string.
· testMode: tells the gateway that the current transaction is a test transaction to the system so that no real payment processing takes place. All provided configurations have this parameter set to "100" to enable test transactions by default.
Please refer to WorldPay's documentation referenced above for the complete set of variables available for checkout configuration.

Retrieving transaction information from the payment gateway

WorldPay's service can be configured to perform a form POST containing the information pertinent to your transaction to an http:// location. You must enable this feature and configure the passback location in your WorldPay account in the following location for this information to be returned to your site:
1. Go to and login with your merchant account information.
2. In the lower right corner of the page, click the Configuration options link.
3. Check the box to enable IPN for your account.
4. Check the Callback enabled box to activate the return-POST feature.
5. Directly above the checkbox in the Callback URL field, enter the http:// location to which the form Post should be directed to.
6. At the bottom of the page, click SAVE CHANGES to update your configuration.
WA Local Checkout Response data bindings provides all of the variables passed back to the specified page through the Bindings panel. These bindings can be applied to the page for you to use and store the transaction information on your website.The variables passed back to your site using this method are the same variables that can be passed to the website initially, as well as information specific to the processing of the transaction that are generated during processing.Please refer to the help documentation referenced at the top of this page for a complete list of the variables available for retrieval from the WorldPay gateway.Note: Support for callback from WorldPay Select Checkout's service does not directly support the passback of line item details at this time, but will be added in a future release.

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